Your best life is up ahead now- I can't go on. I will go on

Your best life is ahead of you. Though for some of you, this phrase may not hold true, as your best life may seem like a distant memory, a time when you were someone else, someone different. Perhaps it was during your high school years, and now, as a university student, you no longer feel the same. But life is full of surprises, and often, it does not follow the script we have in mind. 

We tend to view our lives as a movie, with a predictable ending. But life is not so straightforward. It can be full of twists and turns that we never saw coming. Sometimes, we find ourselves stuck, unable to move forward, and it seems like we will never be able to take that next step. But we must remember that life is unpredictable, and we never know when things will change. And, often times we face the unfamiliar than what's familiar. 

Many times in life, it’s not like we don’t want to take another step anymore, but we just can’t, and believing our next step would be any different seems a baseless delusion. The truth is since we didn’t know how and when our life turns upside down, we also can’t be sure of when and how our life gets a whole new form.

Sometimes we are curious other times we are in a victim mindset, not questioning and we are only pitying ourselves and staying in that self-pity mud.

During these moments, it's easy to fall into a victim mindset, where we feel sorry for ourselves and see no way out. But it's precisely during these times that we need to remember the words of Paul Kalanithi, who said, "I can't go on. I will go on." These simple words can be a powerful reminder that we can get through difficult times and come out stronger on the other side.      

So, let's call this period of our lives the "through" time. It's the time it takes to move from the point where we feel like we can't go on to a place where we can say, "I will go on." Once we understand that we are in the "through" period, we can start to see things in a different light. We begin to see that what seemed like a desert in our lives is a stepping stone to something better, something greater.

After understanding the “through period” of our lives, I believe you feel a drop of hope and a fresh new perspective about what seems dessert in your life is your through time and your best life is up ahead now.

So, the next time you feel like giving up, remember that you can't stay where you are. You must take that first step, no matter how small, and keep moving forward. Repeat those simple words, "I can't go on. I will go on." And before you know it, you'll be through the difficult times and on your way to a brighter future.

Remember, speaking life over what seems dead in your life can help you shake off the dust, stand up, and start anew. Even if you can't go on, taking that next step is the wisest and most rewarding decision you can make. 

So, reader, keep a measure of hope.

Dream, Explore, Discover!✌

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