What my high school junior year has taught me so far

 There was something special about this summer that challenged me to be more introspective. And the fact that it is my last summer of high school makes it a prime time for change. In today's article, I want to share with you what I have learned so far.

It was a rainy Saturday, and all I wanted was to cozy up under my blanket and listen to the sound of the rain. For no apparent reason, I found myself contemplating things that had already sat in stone. Of all the things that have happened this year, to my surprise, my mistakes seem the clearest. While I try not to regret it, I do wish I had done things differently, and in fact, I should have. My biggest regret was not being intentional with how I chose to devote my time, which led to no good end. I spent decades in school without gaining any practical knowledge. Much of my life didn't go the way I planned. When I think about it now, it just makes no sense.
I once heard a man say that "life is a riddle, the question asked which the answer is not obvious or immediate." I had a mistaken notion that I would figure everything out before turning 18. Turning 18 seems exciting, as I am going to be officially an adult, but it's scary at the same time. 
Ever since I was a kid, my vision has been to leave a true legacy that will outlast my existence, to put something in this world that will be worth remembering. But the challenges I have encountered through my journey make it harder to even think about. As a matter of fact, it's important to embrace the challenge and get going no matter what life keeps throwing at us. After all, I'm thankful for every hill I have ever climbed. Now it's time to ask yourself what you could have done with your life during those years? Maybe you could be so much further ahead than you are right now.
There is still knowledge we must learn, and changes we must make. I don't know how my words resonate with you, but at least I hope I have given you a simple yet fundamental point.       

  • Explore, Dream, Discover! ✌

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