Movies and Books Recommendations for High School Students

10 Must Reads for High School Students

  1. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  2. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
  3. Atomic Habit by James Clear
  4. Deep Work by Cal Newport
  5. As a man thinketh by James Allen
  6. Essentialism: the disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown 
  7. Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
  8. You can win by Shiv Khera
  9. The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
  10. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Inspirational movies
  •  Homeless to Harvard: The film "Homeless to Harvard" is inspired by the real-life journey of Liz Murray, a teenage girl who triumphs over homelessness and her parents struggling with drug addiction to complete her high school education and ultimately graduate from Harvard University. The movie portrays Liz's hardships and accomplishments as she confronts numerous obstacles and tragedies throughout her life. 
  • Gifted Hands: This biographical TV drama portrays the inspiring life and professional journey of Dr Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who utilizes his exceptional surgical skills to bring hope and healing to children facing brain disorders.
  • Death Note: is a thought-provoking movie that emphasizes the importance of rational thinking and analytical evaluation. The film encourages viewers to contemplate the consequences of their actions and reflect on the power of critical thinking in navigating complex circumstances.
  • Explore, Dream, Discover! ✌
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