Science or Technology?!

 We live in a world where the amount of information we come across each day is too much to handle. We are exquisitely dependent on science and technology but hardly know anything about science and technology. Science and technology are deeply intertwined and can't stand by themselves alone. If you take a careful look at everything around you, you will notice how science and technology revolutionized the way we live. 

Science provides us with knowledge and understanding of the world, while technology is the practical application of that knowledge. This means without science laying a foundation of knowledge and understanding, it would be impossible to talk about practical knowledge. Similarly, we wouldn't be able to apply the knowledge we gained from science without technology to make our lives easier. In this ever-changing world where technology is always discovering new things, we need to be curious and always be open to exploring something new. By doing so, we can find ways to make our lives better and simplify our daily tasks. Think of the daily products you can't pass by without using them and how they make your life better. As such, technology makes our lives better and simplifies our daily tasks. In reality, using technology by itself without the proper use of it can't help us as we want to, we should know how to use it effectively. This way we can use the knowledge of science and technology to make the most of what they have to offer. The current advancements in technology are the result of those new scientific breakthroughs.

 AI can be a very good example. Advancements in artificial intelligence come with great potential and strategy to shape our future. These emerging advancements hold many applications to enhance the quality of human lives. AI is a computer-controlled robot that performs a task that commonly is associated with human intelligence. Scientific theories and principles, altogether, help in building an AI. One specific scientific theory that has made AI possible is machine learning. Machine learning focuses on the idea that computers can learn from experience and develop algorithms that allow computers to learn and identify patterns. 

Machine learning is the main component of AI that allows it to collect unlimited amounts of data and uses algorithms to learn from it. On the other side, many other components construct and enable AI to function effectively.

Therefore, by understanding scientific theories and utilizing technology effectively we can improve the quality of human lives.

Dream, Explore, Discover!✌

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