The hidden struggles of being homelessness

Homelessness is a global issue that exists in almost all countries, yet it is often overlooked. What comes to your mind when you read the word “Homeless?” The word “Homeless” immediately brings to mind those who are unhoused, with no permanent residence, and lacking one of the fundamental necessities for human life. In today’s world, many factors add up that lead people to be out on the street. People are falling into homelessness at a faster rate than ever before.

Homeless people, by definition, are people without homes, those who lack the necessities for their lives, beyond that they also lack support and empathy. Many of them don’t know where to turn to even if they want to. That’s why some of them are involved in violent actions and are often seen attacking passengers. 
The psychological disorders the homeless people face are often ignored, especially in developing countries where even normal people’s day-to-day concerns revolve around putting food on the table.
Homeless people are the most marginalized people and are often regarded as not the same as those people walking by. Their life and conditions are not understood by today’s modern society. How many of us ever questioned the pain and mental disorders homeless people live through? Many of them are substance addicted. They are vulnerable to abuse and death, and the suffering they go through is very disheartening. These homeless people have their hardships and experiencing another problem from society might lead them to commit suicide or to completely isolate themselves from society and live the rest of their life in loneliness. These all add up to losing grip of hope and not envisioning a better future for themselves, finding no meaning in life, and lacking a sense of belongingness.
People can be homeless for many reasons, but physical and psychological illnesses are the main ones. These two major problems can be broken into the following:

  1. Economic condition: Low socio-economic standing—which is considered the major cause
  2. Trauma
  3. Family problems/Relationships
  4. Mental illness-  Isolation, substance abuse, and societal rejection are factors that expose them to psychological problems.

  • We should not merely sympathize with the homeless, but we should look for ways to help them, to breathe life into them. While the changes may not seen instantly, we can help them to rebuild their life in some ways, at least. Those simple actions we can take are listed as follows:
  1. Changing their attitude- Try talking with them and giving them a new perspective on life, words have the power to change them, if it is spoken from the heart
  2. Recognize their needs and give generously as much as you can
  3. Try to take them to local support organizations, where they can get instant help and support
  4. Finding a job- Seek the possibilities for them/ Counsel them/, consider the chances to get money, even if it’s a small amount of money
The Best Homeless Poem: the inspirational poem that describes the hardship of homeless people:
I wish there'd be a change today:
For all– enough to drink and eat,
But people are standing in the way,
Who'd deny their brothers bread and meat?
I want to fight for all those rights;
No one should starve, or freeze, to death.
I hope that we can purge those sights.
I wish it with my every breath.

I hope this blog article gave you different approaches to show compassion and understanding towards homeless people.
  • Explore, Dream, Discover! ✌
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