Mental health

The National Alliance on Mental Illness suggested that one in five adults experiences a mental health condition every year. Therefore, we cannot consider mental health as a luxury topic but as a fundamental issue that requires our attention. The works of our brains continue to intrigue me. I believe, our brains are the reason we are who we are, accountable for all our actions and thoughts. I mean pretty much everything we do or say is by the work of our brain-and that-that is interesting to me! 
Mental health concerns are becoming increasingly prevalent, and many people struggle with their thoughts and emotions.
Speaking of mental health, how many of us are now sleepwalking through our lives, not knowing where our thought life is leading us?

With all the distractions in our digitally-driven lives, it is easy to become mentally distracted and lost. Sometimes I wonder why in this digital age, where everything seems so convenient and easy to reach, mental illness has become so rampant. Many people wrestle with the things their own mind creates-their thoughts. The problem is that people are so judgmental so we tend to bottle up our problems and never dare to speak up and seek help.
Nowadays everything seems to be competing for our attention. We are stretched here and there, and then we pursue the things that don't matter to us. When you think of it, there are many choices and crossroads today than at any other time in human history.  In the lifespan of our lives, we should be cautious of how we live. Because it is the one-time action we take in our lives that will keep torturing us down the road. When one considers the consequence of his/her every step, in a sense, the destination of their present path, then they would give careful attention to their walk in life.
Here is my advice for a healthy mind 

  • Have a sound mind: It means to have self-control and a sane and rational mind. Now when you think of a sound mind, it is the cornerstone for almost every aspect of your life. Having a sound mind is crucial when making the right choices in life. When someone possesses a sound mind, it enables him/her to make the right choices in life; therefore, that person won't end up in the rope of disappointment. But we can't just wish to have a sound mind, we must renew our minds daily. Well, when it came to detoxing our thought life, we have got a long way to go. So the question is what changes can we make in the structure of our brains? hang in there, I will tell you the simplest yet profound things you can do.
Well to put it simply, we need to guard our hearts. In this sense, to alter our thought lives, the change must begin in our hearts. Matter of fact, guarding our hearts won't be easy but it is worth it. So whatever a thought may reside in your head, take a moment and give attention to your thoughts. If you are in a negative thought loop, then the simplest step you could take is to establish a wise direction to renew your mind. The idea is that one should not let his mind get distracted from the right path- a path of pure and lofty thoughts.
 Also, being thankful and grateful for everything in life is very important. Most of us are grateful when something good happens in our lives, but what if I told you that we should be far more grateful for our weaknesses and storms in our lives because those moments refine us and we are thankful for them.
When your thoughts change, so does your life!

Dream, Explore, Discover!✌

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