Embracing Choices in life's journey

Whenever I go to school by bus, I enjoy seeing people walk by. Not just their appearance or leg motion, but the way each leg takes the next step as if on autopilot. If those people are confident that their legs take them to their destined place and that they don’t have to look or hold and direct their legs, well, that’s amazing to me. But who knows, maybe, their steps are getting them closer to the wrong place, right?

Take the moment to ponder without jumping into the next article. It’s fascinating to me that this moment- what my eyes look at relates to the way we lead our lives. We always get up in the morning to fulfill one thing whether we are aware of it or not. From the moment we take our first step out of bed, we're making choices that will ultimately shape our future. This is the reason that sometimes I want to be the third person and look at myself as I see those people on the road-whether in the long run the choices I make will ever put me closer to my destined place.

I found a poem from my favorite book” When the Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi relatable to my writing so I wanted to drop it here cause I thought it held an incredible message.

“You that seek what life is in death

Now find it air that once was death

New names unknown, old names gone

Till time end bodies, but souls none.

Reader! Then make time, while you be,

But steps to your eternity.”

This one fleeting life we have, the life that’s like a breath, it appears for a short time, and then, Boom! Disappears. So, what is the life that’s worth living, then?

To me, life is about a journey, there is a starting and ending place. There will be choices to make and crossroads to navigate. So it is important to remind ourselves that as there are obstacles in the real road so is there in our life journey. So, when the road is difficult will you press on? When the road is long, will you endure? We go through different kinds of trials and tribulations because we lose patience we miss the joy that awaits us by the end of the tunnel. Because we thought we couldn’t bear the problem, we chose the other opposite road and ended up with frustration and regret.

To wrap up, remember one thing “Small choices lead to giant consequences over time.” Our time on this earth is fleeting, and it's up to us to make the most of it and take steps towards our eternity. We will encounter obstacles along the way, but it's important to stay focused on our destination and press on. Small choices may seem insignificant at the time, but they can have a huge impact on our lives in the long run. So. let’s make every day count!

Dream, Explore, Discover!✌

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