What's in Your Life Blueprint? Why Your Early Twenties Are Crucial

In this blog post, we will delve into the considerations that are essential in making a blueprint for one's life. Every individual possesses a unique life blueprint, which is scientifically known as DNA. DNA holds all the fundamental instructions that enable us to survive, grow, develop, and reproduce. Similarly, building a life blueprint requires a strong foundation to sustain our lives and achieve our goals.

It is often said that the early twenties are the most crucial period in one's life. This is because it is during this phase that one lays the foundation that sets the course for the rest of their life. The foundation of our lives is what shapes our values, beliefs, and decision-making abilities. Therefore, it is crucial to invest time and effort in building a solid foundation during this period.

By establishing a strong foundation in the early stages of life, we can set ourselves up for success and achieve our aspirations. A good foundation allows us to navigate the challenges and uncertainties that life throws at us with confidence and resilience. It determines the direction in which we shall go and the kind of person we become. Therefore, it is essential to take the time to reflect on our values and priorities and build a life blueprint that aligns with them.

Our foundation is a crucial aspect that shapes our identity and influences our decisions. This becomes even more important during our youth, as it is the time when we are laying the groundwork for our future. Therefore, we must build a solid and sound foundation, which is based on three principles: properness, solidity, and soundness. Our foundation could be based on various things such as love, hate, respect, humbleness, anger, or unforgiveness. Whatever it may be, our foundation is what we hold onto throughout our lives, and it is difficult to let go of. Hence, it is vital to ensure that we build a foundation that is based on the right principles.

To build a solid and satisfying foundation, there are a few things that we need to consider. 

  • Firstly, we need to be aware of our worth. This does not mean that we should have a superior attitude or be prideful, but we should acknowledge our significance and value in life. It is essential to recognize that we are unique individuals with our talents and abilities.
  • Secondly, we need to have the determination to achieve excellence. This does not mean that we need to be perfect, but we should strive to do our best in whatever we do and endeavor in whatever we have at hand. This is because excellence is not just a standard but a way of life. It helps us to bring something valuable to the world and make a positive impact on others.

So, building a proper, solid, and sound foundation will greatly help us to decide on things we should devote ourselves to and work on. As life keeps giving us new opportunities, how well we handle them matters, because these opportunities will be wasted if we don’t know how to handle them.

In short, building a solid and sound foundation is the key to living a fulfilling and satisfying life. It is crucial to ensure that our foundation is based on the right principles, which will help us to achieve excellence and make a positive impact on the world. Your worth- Not to be prideful or to have a superior attitude, but to be aware of your somebodiness and life significance.

Dream, Explore, Discover!✌

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